Monday, September 28, 2009

Today I prided myself in staying in pajamas for a complete 24 hours. And yes, I did wait up for the 24hr mark so that I could post this without it being a lie. And no, I did not shower today because then I would have to take my pajamas off and THAT would be a deal breaker in my ultimate goal of the day. Showering can wait, we're on MY time right now. MY. TIME. (!!!)

Yes, I set my standards high in daily activities and what pleases me and what does not.
THIS definitely was found pleasing by me.

In my pajamas (in case you were DYING to know) I did quite a few things:
  • took care of my mom who was puking for the greater half of the morning. I offered her water and napkins and such.
  • continued reading my new book: Lolita by Vladmir Nabokov. Yes, it's a little bit creepy and a lot of bit disturbing but extremely interesting.
  • had myself a three hour nap
  • ate 1 mini Cinnamon roll, 2 bags of sea salted vegetable chips, 2 chunks of a candied apple, a "kind" bar annnnnnnnnnd enjoyed a soda. oh, and had a bowl of cereal with soy milk. MMMMmmmm
  • indulged in a few hours of investigative/ghost/killer tv shows
  • searched future abroad jobs for next summer, possibly spring.
  • overdosed on more music (a must for everyday)

I had pondered getting dressed and going to the grocery store, but I wanted to avoid as much human interaction as possible when buying my personal items and cereal. Being that I waited so long, I missed my opportunity for using the self check-out. Which I find simply outrageous. That shit should be open forever. for serious people, for serious.

Um, now I feel somewhat accomplished and will probably go to bed.

thank you,


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